Sunday, August 2, 2009

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon and then the splitting maul happened!

Aaron and I were working in the yard on Friday. We have a tree stump that keeps sprouting up leaves from the roots in the ground. When it all sprouts out it is an eye sore. Aaron wanted to make sure we were able to kill this so that we do not have to continue to cut the leaves up so he wanted to take a splitting maul to be able to get the stump killer in all the roots growing out. Aaron started splitting it up. All of a sudden the splitting maul bounced off one of the roots and the maul hit Aaron in the head. I didn't know what just happened. All I seen was Aaron bent over. I thought this thing hit him in the eye but he was still standing but bent over. All I said was Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness. Then Aaron said I am bleeding go get me a cold wet cloth. I gave him the wet cloth and then he came inside. I was able to see his head and still couldn't tell what was hit on his head there was so much bleeding. Aaron was able to get the bleeding to almost stop. We then went to the immediate care center. Aaron had to get 12 stitches in his head. The doctor said that he did chip his skull but nothing was fractured.

If you do not know what a splitting maul is I have a picture of one and the stump.


  1. Hi Lisa,
    So glad your husband is ok! How scary.
    I am also so sorry you know the pain of infertility. It's horrible-I've been there. I pray for the outcome you hope for and if you need a shoulder in the meantime, drop me a note on my blog.
    Also, your logo at the top of the blog is adorable. It says it all.
    Blessings to you,

  2. Oh my! I'm glad he is okay. That is so scary when things happen ... TO YOUR HEAD! :)

    Glad his skull wasn't fractured. When Drew was 3 years old, he fell off a chair in the basement and fractured his skull in 2 places. It was the scariest thing ... and he still, at age 8, has issues because of it.

    Anyway, glad Aaron is okay. You should take a picture of him with his stitches and post it. :)

  3. oh my gosh! I had no idea he did that. Super splitter indeed. :-( Glad to hear he is healing quickly. I am sure the healthy eating habits have speeded up his recovery time.
