Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I was watching us on a Realty TV show

The other day I was watching Gene Simmons Family Jewels (Please no comment on what I was watching!!) Anyway, Gene’s schedule was completely open so he was bored. He asks Shannon (his wife/girlfriend) what she was doing and she said she was going to the grocery store. Gene asks if he could go. Shannon was hesitant but said ok. They both went to the store and Gene was driving Shannon crazy, he was telling her to make sure it doesn’t have high cholesterol in it and what the ingredients are in the bread etc. Then at home, Gene is going through some of his things and wakes his son up to talk about what he has found. After that Gene goes to the movies with his daughter and her friends and all through the movie he his talking asking why did they do that and on and on. I thought I was watching Aaron and me.
As you read through my blog you see that we both are very conscious about what is in our food (even though Aaron knows so much more than I do about ingredients in our food), I like grocery shopping on my own and how the scene was portrayed, so does Shannon (I was feeling her pain lol). What you don’t know is that Aaron does the same thing Gene does at the movies. We will be watching a show or movie and Aaron will say that’s not real or why are they doing that etc.

But all laughter aside, I love Aaron dearly he truly wants what is best for the both of us.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be embarrassed about watching Family Jewels. When we had cable, I loved watching that show. Their family cracks me up. I am with you on the grocery. I love going by myself.
