Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Wonder if She Remembers?

A friend of mine when we were in our 20's worked together. Sometimes babies would be in the office. I would be the one to hold the babies because my friend was afraid of them. She thought she might break them. Today she has 1+++ kids and is a great person and mom and I hope one day I can follow in her footsteps.

It is really strange how life works out. I never thought I would be writing about infertility. I just thought when I was ready for kids it would happen. I know that God will guide me through my struggles in his own way.

My friend do you know who you are??

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! I remember. Everyone would always flock to the babies and I'd run in the opposite direction. HA HA!

    I'm sure if everyone knew me now (I only stay in touch with you), they'd never believe that I would have four kids. Shoot, even I can't believe it. Truly a blessing.

    Don't give up. Keep trying. Your day will come! I'm sure of it.
