Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Explaining the BBT Chart

The idea behind taking your temperature is to find out when your temperature spikes. When it spikes that means you should be ovulating.
I have heard so many times that I need to count from the day I start 14 days and that is when I am ovulating. Well that is true for some people but not for all. This idea is possibly true if you have the "normal" 28 day cycle but it is not the rule for everyone.

If you look at the examples of my charts you see that I do not have a "normal" 28 day cycle.

So if you refer to my charts below (the 1st month)(double click the chart to get a better view) you will see that my temperature spikes at day 19 and another spike at day 25. So ovulation most likely occurred around one of those days.

Taking your BBT is not a simple thing. You need to buy a BBT Thermometer (which are not expense) they just have the .10 degrees registered on the display and you need that to really understand and see the small changes but mean a lot when charting. You also need to take your temperature every morning at the same time. You need to have the thermometer right next to you. You do not want to get up or get a drink or anything like that or your charting will be off. You also need to get at least 6 hours of undisturbed sleep right before you take your temperature to accurately chart. This was very difficult for me. I wake up several times through the night and had a hard time getting that perfect reading. All I know is that I would try whatever I needed to, to accomplish my goal. In the end the goal of conception didn't work but I did learn so much about my BBT and I know that it did help me in other ways learn about how my body works.

What do we do now. I have tried the fertility pills and taking my temperature and the results did not achieve pregnancy.The next step would be to go see a specialists.

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