Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Deer Season

Last Saturday was the first day of Deer Season. Aaron was up and ready to go 5:00 am in the morning on Saturday. He was in the woods by 6:00 am and stayed until it was dark. Sunday came and he was back out in the woods again by 6:00 am. In the afternoon he got his 8 pointer buck (which an 8 pointer for Indiana is good). Aaron took the deer to the butcher on Monday and now we are set for a long time on deer meat. Unfortunately I am not a deer eater. I can eat it as a roast and I have had steaks on the grill but I just can’t make it my main supply of beef. I know that eating deer is so much healthier than all that processed meat you buy in the store but I just can’t get past that it is a deer.

Good job Aaron getting your deer this year!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't do deer meat either. :/ Congratulations on Aaron getting his buck so quickly. :)
