Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Announcement

It has been awhile ago since I talked about my infertility. The last thing I told you that we had 2 embryo's placed inside me by invitro and I lost both of them. We had to go and met the doctor to discuss the failed procedure.

The doctor said if he was betting on this one he would have lost. He said that one of them that was placed was really good the other one not so good but at least he thought we would have one baby. So now the doctor needed to figure out what to do next since the only thing that could have happened was the embryo's didn't attach.

The next step the doctor wanted to do was to put me on a drug called Lupron. Lupron is used in women to treat symptoms of endometriosis (overgrowth of uterine lining outside of the uterus)Leuprolide (Lupron) overstimulates the body's own production of certain hormones, which causes that production to shut down temporarily. This medication is a injection given by the doctor's office once a month. I took this for the next 3 months.

After 3 months I met with the doctor and he said it was up to us what we wanted to do. Due to finaces we said we would try one more artificial insemenation and if that didn't work we had no choice but to give up.

Here was my schedule for the artificial insemenation.
Started taking medication for IUI on August 26, 2009. artificial insemination done September 5, 2009.
Scheduled for pregnancy test on September 18, 2009. Did not go. Took my temperature on Friday September 18th 98.10
temperature September 19th 97.6
temperature September 20th 98.53 took over the counter pregnancy test was positive
temperature September 21st 98.10 called dr. office.
temperature September 22nd 98.09 blood draw done at dr office positive My HCG was 900 they were looking for at least 100. So that is great
temperature September 23rd 98.68
September 24th another blood draw at dr. office They wanted my HCG level to double from the 900 it was 2311 and my estrogen was 157. Everything is great. I am 4 weeks and 4 days.

So now you know that by the grace of God. He has blessed Aaron and I with a baby. I am due May 28, 2010.


  1. OMG - I'm crying! Congratulations! I am so thrilled for both of you ... no wait, all three of you!

    YEAH! :)

  2. Thank you! We are so blessed. It has been a long journey that I don't wish upon anyone.
